canning sockeye salmon how to avoid zombie acopoly

Recipe by
Sherry Blizzard
Piney Flats, TN

Each year, Alaskans are allowed to dip net prized sockeye salmon. We go every June get ours at the Copper River. Any salmon we have not eaten I either pressure can or smoke.

We love salmon patties and salmon chowder. Today I canned 7 pints. That would give us 14 days or more of easy living if we were to experience a zombie apocalypse.

This is a how-to can salmon. NOTE: You MUST have a pressure canner to can salmon! You will find my recipe for salmon patties on JAP.

PS I can the heads, flippers and bellies for our dogs.

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yield 1 pint serves 4 people
prep time 20 Min
cook time 1 Hr 30 Min
method Canning/Preserving

Ingredients For canning sockeye salmon how to avoid zombie acopoly

  • 7-8 lb
  • salt

How To Make canning sockeye salmon how to avoid zombie acopoly

  • 1
    Rinse the salmon in a salt water bath to help remove slime. Rinse under cold water and drain on paper towels.
  • 2
    Heat water in pressure canner to boiling. Boil jars for at least 5 minutes...remove to drain and dry
  • 3
    Heat a saucepan big enough to sanitize and heat the lids and rims. Drop in the lids to sanitize and soften the seals. IMPORTANT NOTE: NEVER reuse a lid. Lids are compromised once they have been opened. Always use brand new lids. (bands can be reused)
  • 4
    Add 1/2 tsp of salt to each sanitized jar. Pack jars with salmon---Skins facing the outside of the jar. Only pack to 1/2" of the top of the jar. Do not add any liquid.
  • 5
    Use a clean, wet paper towel to make sure the rim of each jar is clean and free of any debris.
  • 6
    Remove a lid (use a magnet lifter) from the hot water and wipe off any liquid. Place it on the jar and seal around lightly with your finger. Screw on the jar band but not overly tight.
  • 7
    Once all jars have lids and bands, place in the Canning Processor.
  • 8
    Attach the lid securely. Allow steam to escape approx 3 minutes. Then attach the pepcock.
  • 9
    When the temperature reaches 11 psi, turn down the heat to 4 or 5 medium low. and set the timer to 1 hour and 30 minutes. Watch the temp gauge closely. Do not let it go below 11 psi or start the timing all over again. It is safe to keep it between 11 and 15 psi.
  • 10
    After time is up, turn off the heat and allow the canner to come to rest. The pressure release valve will go back down.
  • 11
    IMPORTANT: When you lift the lid off the canner, lift the lid away from you. This will prevent scalding/burning yourself and fogging your glasses.
  • 12
    You might hear the jars sealing themselves before you even lift them out of the canner that is ok. Transfer the hot jars to a dry clean surface. (I like to use a bath towel)