french bread / pizza crust / sandwich rolls

Recipe by
Linda McCormick
Yes, MI

This is my most favorite recipe and I thought that I had lost it through moving, and relocating. Instead of making a batch of cinnamon rolls you can take a single serving made from the loaf cooked in this recipe; toast or slightly heat 20 sec. in microwave, spread with butter, sprinkle on cinnamon and the slightest amount of sugar. You will love this single recipe as much as I do. It's very quick and easy, and easily made to serve with your meals. Simple ingredients create a wonderful loaf of bread without fail. My loafs can vary in appearance but they still "eat" as the same tasty bread.

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yield 8 or more/large loaf
prep time 35 Min
cook time 25 Min
method Bake

Ingredients For french bread / pizza crust / sandwich rolls

  • 1 1/2 c
    warm water - not hot
  • 1 tsp
  • 1 Tbsp
  • 1 Tbsp
  • 3 1/2 c
    all purpose flour
  • 1 pkg
    active dry yeast
  • 1/2 c
    cold water
  • 1 tsp

How To Make french bread / pizza crust / sandwich rolls

  • 1
    Preheat oven 375°
    Bake Time: approximately 20 minutes. My oven cooks hot and yours may need more or less cooking time.
  • 2
    Combine the warm water, butter, salt, and sugar. Using water that is very warm will slowly melt the butter while combining. Sprinkle the yeast on top of your liquids mixture. (I own a Kitchen Aid and attach the dough hook and the batter guard.) Add your flour - I add all at once due to running my dough hook on low. Otherwise stir in the flour until it is a slightly sticky ball and knead. (With the Kitchen Aid run the dough hook adding flour until the batter no longer sticks to the bottom of the mixing bowl.)
  • 3
    I usually knead the dough around 5 minutes. Well-kneaded dough should feel smooth and elastic. Press your fingertip into the dough; it should spring back. Butter a bowl, turning the dough to completely cover. Cover with a clean towel and let rise until doubled.
  • 4
    Once dough is doubled remove and place on a slightly floured board. Knead in flour to feed it one more time before baking. Roll it into a a 12x15 rectangle after working additional flour into the dough.
  • 5
    FRENCH BREAD: Roll up from long side and pinch the final seam together. Place seam side down on greased and cornmeal dusted baking sheet or use the Silicone Baking Mats. Cover with a clean towel or plastic wrap and let rise 45 minutes.
  • 6
    SANDWICH ROLLS/BAGUETTES: Cut the rolled out dough into squares appropriate to your needs. Place on a greased baking sheet, cover with plastic wrap or a clean towel and let rise 45 minutes.
  • FRENCH BREAD showing a GLOSSY FINISH with a simple cornstarch glaze.
    NOTE: This is a typical mixture that professional bakers use to get that characteristic sheen on breads. I keep this mixture in my refrigerator to use on all the breads I bake. Save any glaze leftovers.
    1/2 cup cold water
    1 teaspoon cornstarch
    In a small saucepan, with a small whisk, stir together water and cornstarch. Heat mixture to a gentle boil. Stir, reduce heat, until mixture thickens and is translucent. Cool.
    Brush on loaf about 10 minutes before baking is finished and again 3 minutes before bread is completely done.
  • 8
    When the bread is cooked, remove from oven and place the bread on a wire cooling rack to cool. Let baked loaf cool for 30 minutes before cutting (this is because the bread is still cooking while it is cooling).

    Makes 1 large loaf, 12 sandwich rolls, or 16 inch pizza crust.

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