grilled salmon with hoisin sauce

Blue Ribbon Recipe by
Kim Campbell
Youngstown, OH

Salmon is a "fish steak" to me. It is a very thick, moist, and flavorful fish and I love the hoisin sauce on salmon! Hoisin is a Chinese barbeque like sauce or glaze. It is bold with flavors and really compliments the salmon. Salmon is our top favorite fish to eat. More importantly, it is extremely good for you too. It packed full of Omega 3 vitamins more than any other fish. I hope you will try this wonderful fish glazed with hoisin sauce and enjoy the unique flavors that it brings.

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Blue Ribbon Recipe

We love to grill salmon in the warmer weather and this is a delicious recipe. The hoisin sauce brushed over the salmon is sweet, salty, and sour. It makes the salmon very juicy. Drizzling a bit of thick balsamic glaze over the grilled salmon adds a touch of tang. Super simple to prepare, if you like salmon give this recipe a try.

— The Test Kitchen @kitchencrew
yield 2 - 3 people
prep time 5 Min
cook time 15 Min
method Grill

Ingredients For grilled salmon with hoisin sauce

  • 2
    salmon, skinless fillet (wild caught Alaskan salmon if possible; it is the best for you)
  • 1/4 c
    hoisin sauce
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp
    Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp
    onion salt
  • 1 tsp
  • 1
    drizzle of balsamic glaze
  • 4 - 6 slice

How To Make grilled salmon with hoisin sauce

  • Seasonings brushed onto the grilled salmon.
    Mix together all the seasonings except for the balsamic glaze. Stir together and then brush it on both sides of the salmon.
  • Grilling the salmon.
    Grill salmon, at 350 degrees, 5 to 7 minutes on each side. Depending upon thickness.
  • Balsamic glaze drizzled over Grilled Salmon With Hoisin Sauce.
    After you plate the salmon, drizzle the balsamic glaze over the top for an even more yummy taste or a squeeze of lime.
  • 4
    6/2/14: Just had to make this on my husband's new smoker/grill. Learning what temp. to get it at for the fish. It took a little longer than usual.
  • 5
    A picture of the hoisin sauce and balsamic glaze.