clam chowder

Recipe by
Laura Oravez
Minneapolis, MN

This is in a church cookbook my mom gave me when I set up my own house many years ago. One of the first soups my family asks for when the weather turns colder.

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prep time 20 Min
cook time 30 Min

Ingredients For clam chowder

  • 2 c
    chopped clams (2~6 1/2 0z. cans)
  • 1 c
    celery, diced
  • 1/2 c
    onion, diced
  • 2 c
    clam juice (add juice from cans, more water)
  • 2 c
    potatoes, sliced bite~sized
  • 1 qt
    half & half
  • 1/2 c
  • 1 Tbsp
    accent (optional)
  • 1/2 c
  • 1 tsp
    thyme~ground or leaves
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • fish shape or round soup crackers
  • crusty bread

How To Make clam chowder

  • 1
    NOTE:This recipe is a chowder~more or less of something is not going to matter either way. Easily doubled or tripled.
  • 2
    Simmer in large pot (abt 5 qt. for single batch) for 30 minutes:
    Clams, clam juice, celery, onion, and potatoes. (Put celery in first as this takes longer to cook)
  • 3
    While above is simmering; In another smaller pot make the white sauce. To make a white sauce lump~free, you have to pretty much stir constantly until it thickens. I use a big slotted spoon to push the air pockets out of the flour as I add it to the half & half. Keep stirring on lower heat~being careful not to burn the bottom. After its thick, just stir it gradually into the bigger clam pot. Letting it simmer @ 30 mins. or so gives the chowder time for the flavor to develop. Keep the heat low, making sure to stir the bottom occasionally. Serve with crusty bread or soup crackers!