the best green chile sauce

Recipe by
Lynda Hayes
Port Saint Lucie, FL

This recipe comes from out west when I lived in Colorado. I made it when the chile peppers were in season and I would jar the sauce and have it available during the winter season. It's great on any meat but my favorite is over a pork roast that slow cooks all day, yumm-o!!

prep time 20 Min
cook time 2 Hr

Ingredients For the best green chile sauce

  • 1 lg
    onion, chopped
  • 3 clove
    fresh garlic, chopped
  • 1 lg
    jalapeno, fresh & chopped with seeds
  • 1
    bag fresh green chiles (1/2 lb) sliced, or (if you can't find fresh, get 4 - 7 oz cans chopped green chiles)
  • 1 can
    28 oz tomatoes (do not drain) + 1 can water to rinse
  • 1/4 c
    canola oil
  • 1 md
    red bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 md
    green bell pepper, chopped
  • 3
    cubanelle peppers, chopped with seeds

How To Make the best green chile sauce

  • 1
    Use a really large pot for this if using fresh chiles since they will need to cook down. If using canned chiles, use your spaghetti pot or soup pot to cook in. Clean and cut up all your ingredients, I take out the rib of the chile and peppers and keep the seeds for flavor. Add oil and turn to a medium heat.
  • 2
    When hot, add your onion, jalapeno and garlic and saute. After these have softened, add your fresh or canned chiles to pot,add salt and pepper. Cook this 15 minutes, stir occasionally so nothing sticks to the pan. Then add large can of tomatoes and 1 can of water to mixture. This will need to cook down for awhile. Stir it so that it mixes well.
  • 3
    After 1-2 hours, you may add chopped or shredded cooked meat to this mixture, cook another 10 minutes to bring up to temperature and it is ready for canning. If you want the mixture thicker, you can add some flour to cold water, mix and add to sauce. Bring to boil to thicken and it will be done.
  • 4
    If you have a pork/beef roast, put this in a slow cooker and season with salt and pepper. Pour the green chile sauce over the roast and let cook (depending on size of roast) for 5-6 hours. Turn over roast halfway through cooking time. Check seasoning, add more salt/pepper if desired. You'll know when its done if you take a fork and it shreds easily. Now, you can serve for a dinner or can this mixture and it will last you many meals through the winter season.
  • 5
    I serve mine both ways stated above, in tortillas and garnish with all the trimmings such as sliced jalapenos, onions, sour cream, cheese, black olives, avocado. Enjoy!