smoked brisket

Blue Ribbon Recipe by
Jason Summers
Greenfield, MO

I have always enjoyed cooking but until 2010, I was never able to challenge myself. My first big challenge was purchasing a smoker off of Ebay on a Saturday, cooking on it for the first time in a thunderstorm on a Tuesday and entering my first KCBS BBQ Competetion that following Friday. I have since practiced weekend after weekend on taste, appearence and tenderness on my Brisket, which has moved me from last to the top ten at competitions. I practice most on my 2 teenage sons who are not shy to tell you what they think. You should find this receipe will satisfy any and aall tastebuds!

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Blue Ribbon Recipe

If you have access to a smoker this is a to-die-for brisket recipe... A must try.

— The Test Kitchen @kitchencrew
yield 20 - 25
prep time 20 Min
cook time 10 Hr
method Grill

Ingredients For smoked brisket

  • 32 oz
    beef broth
  • 1 bottle
    agave necter
  • 2 Tbsp
    garlic powder
  • 2 Tbsp
    onion powder
  • 2 Tbsp
    sirachi chilli sauce
  • 4 dash
    salt and pepper
  • 1 lg
    untrimmed beef brisket
  • 1 bottle
    roasted garlic and red bell pepper seasoning
  • 2 Tbsp
    onion powder
  • 5 dash
    salt and pepper

How To Make smoked brisket

  • 1
    prepare smoker for indirect cooking and light charcoal. let burn for approximately 1 hour while you prepare the brisket. prepare the marinade and wisk all the marinade ingredients together put the brisket in a large ziplock bag and pour in marinade let soak until the fire is ready and the smoker has settled at around 250 degrees.....
  • 2
    when the smoker is ready remove brisket from bag and place in a large aluminum pan ( disposable turkey roasting pan or lasagna pan ). reserve marinade. rub down brisket on both sides with roasted garlic and bell pepper seasoning, onion powder, salt, and pepper. now you are ready for the brisket pan and all on the smoker and let cook for about 8 to 10 hours or to an internal temp of 200 degrees in the flat side of brisket. at about the 8 hour mark add remaining marinade to pan to heat the end of the cooking cycle i like to remove the brisket to rest on my cutting board and i like to pan up the remaining marinade to use as an au brisket for 30 to 45 minutes then slice and enjoy