groaty pudding / groaty dick

Recipe by
Vanessa Priest
Kidderminster, Alabama

Groaty dick/pudding is a classic Black Country dish, a meat porridge often made and served for bonfire night. This is my late mother in laws recipe with a twist. I didn't have any groats so I used pearl barley if you use groats you have to soak them over night and double your cooking time. I also added orange and bay leaf as I think it goes well with beef. I cook this the day before I want to eat it, it strengthens the flavour and is easy to put in the microwave when you get back from the football, cold winter walks or from the pub.

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yield 4 -6
prep time 2 Hr 20 Min
cook time 5 Hr
method Slow Cooker Crock Pot

Ingredients For groaty pudding / groaty dick

  • 1 lb
    beef shin cut small
  • 1
  • 1
  • 2
  • 1 stick
  • 1 c
    pearl barley if can't get groats
  • 1 pt
    beef stock
  • 1 tsp
    thyme, leaves
  • 1 tsp
  • 1 pinch
    black pepper
  • 1
    zest and juice of an orange (opt)
  • 2
    bay leaves (opt)
  • 1 tsp
    cooking oil

How To Make groaty pudding / groaty dick

  • 1
    Rinse and Soak your grains. If using pearl barley at least a couple of hours or you can do it over night. If using groats then over night.
  • 2
    Dice your vegetables and meat into bite size chunks. In a large pan add a teaspoon of oil. I use a metal casserole dish with a lid as my food is going to sit in the bottom oven of the Aga and I hate washing up.
  • 3
    Fry the beef until it's just coloured and then add your vegetables (and orange zest if using it). Fry until the onion softens then add your drained grains.
  • Classic Black Country dish, serve up for Halloween or Bonfire Night.
    Add your herbs and seasonings, and finally the beef stock and orange juice (optional). If you are using a slow cooker then transfer the mixture into the pot and leave it to cook for several hours. I put my casserole dish in the bottom oven of the Aga and go to work or down the pub. But it will take at least 4 hours for the grains to soften and absorb the stock, and for the meat to fall apart. Check your seasoning and add more if needed. Serve warm in a bowl with a spoon and a smile. If you make it in advance to heat up, it tastes even better the next day.