grandma's goulash

Recipe by
Sabrina Kumor

My grandma would make this for us all the time . . .Quick simple recipe. Super yum with left overs. You could also add more veggies to this dish like Squash zucchini sweet potatoes etc.

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yield 5 -7 people
prep time 10 Min
cook time 45 Min
method Stove Top

Ingredients For grandma's goulash

  • 1 lb
    ground beef or ground turkey
  • 16 oz
    elbow macaroni, cooked
  • 1/2 Tbsp
  • 1 can
    stewed tomatoes, sm paste tomatoes , diced tomatoes w/ green chilled non hot
  • 1 c
    frozen corn or drained can of corn
  • 1
  • 1 Tbsp
    minced garlic
  • 3-4 Tbsp
    italian seasoning
  • 1
    green and or red bell pepper

How To Make grandma's goulash

  • 1
    Brown you ground meat in Skillet with onions, garlic, green peppers, Italian seasoning and salt and pepper for taste
  • 2
    Cook you Elbow macaroni pasta until tender about 12 minutes or so. Rinse in hot water and strain water off.
  • 3
    Add Cooked meat, Cooke Pasta, Stewed tomatoes, tomato paste, sugar, corn, tomatoes w/ green chilies. Mix all in a big pot- you might have to add a little water or beef broth 1/2 C - to 1 C up to you. Cook on high til boiling and the turn to simmer for about 20-3O mins.
    If you're adding more vegetables like squash zucchini etc... just have to cook it a little bit longer.