mandarin sauce/canning recipe

Recipe by
Marie Holfeltz
Sandy, UT

I had my mandarin sauce recipe for years and it was SO good. It got lost when we began our kitchen reno and I had looked everywhere for it or for one like it but despaired of ever locating its twin. Then on a visit to see our best friends in Idaho, my friend mentioned she had canned mandarin sauce. I told her about the loss of my recipe and she said I could look at hers. Lo and behold! Identical to mine! Now THAT'S what best friends are for!! FYI - I TRIPLED EVERYTHING. YIELD - 16 QUARTS

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yield serving(s)
prep time 1 Hr
cook time 30 Min

Ingredients For mandarin sauce/canning recipe

  • 8 c
  • 4 c
  • 4 c
    green bell peppers
  • 2 - 20oz can
    pineapple tidbits or chunks
  • 6 3/4 c
    white sugar
  • 8 Tbsp
    soy sauce
  • 3 c
    white vinegar
  • 1 3/4 c
    water - divided (1 c & 3/4 c)
  • 1 c

How To Make mandarin sauce/canning recipe

  • 1
    Drain pineapple and reserve juice
  • 2
    Skin tomatoes and coarsely chop
  • 3
    Chop other vegetables in quarter-sized chunks
  • 4
    Combine all vegetables and pineapple in 8-10qt pan.
  • 5
    Add all other ingredients - EXCEPT ULTRAGEL
  • 6
    Bring to boil, reduce to simmer, and cook until onion and pepper are softened..approximately 20-30 minutes
  • 7
    When vegetables are nearly ready, mix ultragel with reserved juice and 3/4 cup of water. Wisk rapidly to mix thoroughly. It will be pretty thick.
  • 8
    Use a large spoon and add ultragel mixture into simmering vegetable 1 spoonful at a time, mixing thoroughly to dissolve gel into sauce. Keep adding until all gel is incorporated.
  • 9
    Cook, stirring constantly until sauce is thickened.
  • 10
    Pour sauce into clean, hot pint (or quart) jars. Leave about 3/4 inch head space. Wipe jar rims and attach lid and cap.
  • 11
    Process, 30 min for qts, 20 min for pints. I used the water bath canner because of the acid content in the sauce, but, if you prefer you can pressure as well. If using pressure canner, leave vegetables a little more crisp as they will cook when pressured.
  • 12
    Use this sauce over pork, chicken, rice, beef or veggies. It is really versatile and has a bright flavor.