Magic Dough, Buns, Pizza...

"Magic dough, pizza, buns...Today I’m sharing with you my spongy and delicious dough good for stuffed buns with spinach, cheese, ground meat... good for pizza and calzone, good for burgers and hotdog buns, hoagies, garlic bread. Also, sweet recipes, you can fill the buns with custard, sweetened cream cheese filling and fruits, cinnamon rolls, or just bake it and brush it with some better, honey and drizzle some toasty crushed nuts... the list is long. I think all those yummy recipes you…..."

6 cups all purpose flour 
1 cups warm water
1 cup warm milk
1/2 cup oil (olive or corn oil are fine too)
1 egg optional (more fluffy)
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp yeast 
1 tsp salt 
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