Kid Tested Mother Approved Portuguese Pork Chop

Kid Tested Mother Approved Portuguese Pork Chop was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"Swiped from the Family Foodie blog. The momwriter made this for her family & it got big thumbs up from her kids. Very easy recipe that looks delicious! Posted for ZWT8. Serve over rice. Garlic broccoli with a little bit of the sauce on it completes this meal...."

6 bone in rib chops
olive oil, to line the bottom of frying pan (I prefer to use my electric frying pan for this recipe so I can add all the Pork Chops at once)
2 teaspoons garlic
6 bay leaves
1 large lemon
3 cups white wine (I love using a traditional inexpensive white like Vinho Verde)
salt and pepper
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