Key Lime Pie Recipe

Key Lime Pie Recipe was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"Key lime pie is famous around the world. It is a very simple custard pie that is easy to make at home. Fresh is preferable, but if you cannot find fresh Key limes, you should be able to find bottled Key lime juice in the canned fruit aisle near the lemon juice. This could not be simpler to make. The main time factor is zesting and squeezing all those little Key limes, but it is definitely worth it. Remember to zest the limes before squeezing the juice...."

3 egg yolks
1 teaspoons grated lime zest
1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
2/3 cup fresh (preferable) or bottled Key lime juice (about 24 to 30 Key limes)
1 purchased or homemade 9-inch graham cracker crust
Sweetened whipped cream for garnish, any variety
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