How To Eliminate 8 Common Garden Pests Naturally

How To Eliminate 8 Common Garden Pests Naturally was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Slugs & Snails
If you have slugs or snails in your garden your best chance to catch them at work is in the early morning. If these little creepy-crawlers are the problem, you’ll definitely see some holes in the leaves of your plants.
You can build a homemade trap using a glass jar with a few tablespoons of cornmeal inside it. In the evening, lay the jar sideways inside the infested garden bed. Come back in the morning and you will find lots of dead slugs or snails lying in and ar
Aphids & Whiteflies
Aphids (aka plant lice or green flies) and Whiteflies are tiny little bugs which you may or may not notice right away. They multiply rapidly, so a small infestation can get out of control quickly if not properly managed. Both bugs leave a sticky subs
It’s often hard to tell the difference between an aphid and whitefly infestation; plants will often stop growing or their leaves will turn yellow. They can both be particularly damaging to young plants or new growth.
You can control both creatures by introducing a natural predator like ladybugs into the environment. You can usually find ladybugs at your local garden center or you can even order them online – and don’t worry, ladybugs are actually carnivores,
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