Homemade Sunscreen/Coconut Oil Sunscreen Recipe

Homemade Sunscreen/Coconut Oil Sunscreen Recipe was pinched from <a href="http://www.healthy-holistic-living.com/homemade-sunscreen.html" target="_blank">www.healthy-holistic-living.com.</a>
◾1/2 cup of 100% pure aloe (preferably organic) – it should be globby, like it came fresh out of the plant.
◾20 drops carrot seed oil OR raspberry seed oil – (raspberry seed oil has a higher SPF if that is what you are looking for)
◾5 tbsp coconut oil
◾3 capsules of Vitamin E oil (break open the capsules) or hemp seed oil (2 tbsp)
◾5 drops of Lavender oil
◾2 Tablespoons Zinc Oxide (purchase a non-nano version that won’t be absorbed into the skin. Be careful not to inhale the powder). This makes a natural SPF of 20+ or more can be added.) Make sure not to inhale the Zinc Oxide- use a mask if necess
NOTE: Please omit zinc oxide from the recipe to make a truly natural and toxic free version of this sunscreen, especially during preparation. Zinc oxide can affect the lungs and reproductive system if inhaled. Replace the zinc oxide with 1 tablespoon
Recipe modified from Earth Remedy.org
Or you can simplify it with this simple 3 ingredient recipe:
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