Homemade Healthy Gummies Recipe Made with Real Fruit

"Real fruits, veggies and no refined sugars! Make these little homemade healthy gummies and see how you kids will absolutely love them!..."

1 1/2 cups fruit and/or vegetable juice, freshly made with a Juicer (cold press -best choice) or store-bought (making sure it is 100% juice and preferably not from concentrate). Smoothie blends are great too!
4 tablespoons gelatin (I prefer a grass fed gelatin but you can find plain gelatin near the flavored Jello at your local grocery store. A tablespoons is usually one gelatin packet, but just to be sure, empty the packets into a bowl and use a measure spoon
2-4 tablespoons Raw Honey depending on your preference and how sweet your juice is. You can also use maple syrup or stevia. If your juice has lots of veggies you will need more but it is up to your personal taste.
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, I recommend Organic Pure Vanilla Extract – optional for extra flavor
Optional: Any other ingredients you would like to incorporate like probiotics or elderberry syrup (to prevent or fight a cold), or cod liver oil (immune system booster). Remember you can make these gummies your natural multivitamins.
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