Homemade Doggie Frosty Paws

Homemade Doggie Frosty Paws was pinched from <a href="http://gooddogsco.com/2014/06/homemade-frosty-paws/" target="_blank">gooddogsco.com.</a>

"School’s out, it’s over ninety degrees outside, and I’m covered in mosquito bites. Summer is officially in full swing here in Georgia, and even with the copious amounts of rain, we’re already feeling the heat. Gone are the days where Topher and I could take mid-afternoon walks. Now, it’s either raining, or so hot that the poor guy melts into a puddle after approximately half a mile. So how do you beat the heat? Well, for the most part, we don’t—we take walks in the early morning, we keep the A/C on, we avoid the mosquitoes and fleas when we can. However, what point is summer if you can’t indulge in cold treats? And who am I to keep that summer tradition from my dog? So let’s getting down to making some frozen dog treats, starting with an old favorite:Frosty Paws! Because this frozen dog treat has been around for quite a while, there are a ton of recipes for Frosty Paw treats floating around on the internet, so I looked at a few to see what I might need. However, most of them call for 32 ounces of yogurt! I’m pretty sure I’d have a freezer full of Frosty Paws treats for the rest of the summer (and perhaps into fall) if I’d stuck with that. Sorry Topher, the freezer just isn’t big enough for that kind of surplus. Ingredients 1 1/2 cups yogurt 1 banana 1/4 cup peanut butter 1 tbsp honey I’m not going to even write out steps for this recipe, it’s that easy. Take all of your ingredients, put them in a blender, and blend them! Then pour into the molds of your choice, and pop into the freezer. I used some cupcake tins, and a silicone tray when I promptly ran out of cupcake tins. If you want to fancy up your frosty paw treats, give them about thirty minutes in the freezer to solidify, and then stick a milkbone (or homemade treat of your choice) into the center. After a few hours, your frosty paws treats should be set! Pop one out and give them to your pup! Preferably in their bowl or outside, or some place where you don’t care if they make a mess. Because they totally will. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Beat the Heat frozen dog treats recipes..."

1 1/2 cups yogurt
1 banana
1/4 cup peanut butter
1 tbsp honey
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