Hashbrown Casserole Recipe

Hashbrown Casserole Recipe was pinched from <a href="https://www.southernliving.com/recipes/hashbrown-casserole-recipe" target="_blank" rel="noopener">www.southernliving.com.</a>

"Southerners are unapologetic about their fondness for hashbrown casseroles. Also known as "Funeral Casserole," its creamy goodness has comforted the bereaved for decades. And let's face it, no other dish on earth can transition so seamlessly from a country club breakfast buffet to a potluck church supper. For what it's worth, casserole connoisseurs caution against using off-brand generic cornflakes for the topping. Best to leave them off all together–like they do at Nashville's Loveless Cafe and at Cracker Barrel...."

1 (32-ounce) package frozen diced hash brown potatoes, thawed
1 (10 3/4-oz.) can cream of chicken soup
1 (8-oz.) container sour cream
1 cup shredded mild Cheddar cheese
1/2 cup chopped onion
3/4 cup butter, melted
2 cups cornflakes cereal
Garnish: fresh curly-leaf parsley sprigs
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