Feta Cheese & Tomato Muffins

Feta Cheese & Tomato Muffins was pinched from <a href="http://thanksgiving.betterrecipes.com/feta-cheese-and-tomato-muffins.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">thanksgiving.betterrecipes.com.</a>

"The feta cheese will melt in your mouth as you take the first bite, hooking you on these savory muffins so you won’t be able to get enough...."

• 2 Tomatoes
• 1/4 C. Sun Dried Tomatoes
• 1 1/2 C. Feta Cheese
• 4 Eggs
• 1/4 C. Milk
• 1 C. Flour
• 1 Tsp. Baking Powder
• Oregano
• Salt & Pepper
• 1 Leek
• 1/4 C. Sun Dried Tomatoes
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