Elizabethan Lemon Cakes II

Elizabethan Lemon Cakes II was pinched from <a href="http://www.innatthecrossroads.com/2011/04/11/lemon-cakes-part-2/" target="_blank">www.innatthecrossroads.com.</a>
This is an original recipe, based on cake receipts from A.W.’s Book of Cookrye (1591) and The English Huswife by Gervase Markham, 1615. A round cake such as this is described in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, where it is compared to the shape of the
Our changes: The original recipe didn't call for lemon, which I added in. It also didn't specify a type of seed, so I opted for the classic pairing of lemon and poppyseed.
Makes ~9 lemoncakes.
3 Tbs. warm ale
2 1/2 tsp. instant yeast
1/2 stick unsalted butter (4 Tbs.)
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs, beaten
1 tbs. poppy seeds
juice and zest of 1 lemon
~2 cups unbleached flour
1/8 tsp. salt
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