blushing rose punch

Recipe by
Karen Stewart
Cedar Park, TX

I don't know where I got this recipe but I've been using it for years and its such a hit that all I ever get asked to bring to baby and bridal showers is this punch. Be sure to double and triple the recipe because everyone will want more than 1 cup. My family always prays that there will be leftovers for me to bring home, but its extremely rare and I always seem to have a dry punch bowl.

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yield 30 punch cups
cook time 15 Min

Ingredients For blushing rose punch

  • 1
    pint cranberry juice cocktail (2 cups)
  • 1 1/2 c
    lemon juice
  • 2
    28 oz bottles of chilled ginger ale
  • 1 qt
    raspberry sherbet, softened
  • 1 c
  • ice ring
  • lemon or lime slices, whole strawberries for garnish

How To Make blushing rose punch

  • 1
    Combine cranberry juice cocktail, lemon juice and sugar. Blend well and chill. (Because I'm usually traveling somewhere with this punch, I'll prepare the mix at home and place it in a large jar with a screw top and keep it in the refrigerator until I'm ready to go).
  • 2
    To serve: Pour juice mix over ice ring in punch bowl. Add chilled ginger ale and then gently stir in sherbet. Garnish with fruit. Yield about 30 punch cup servings. Double the recipe for a reception of 40-50.
  • 3
    To make ice ring: Use small mold (I use a jello salad mold) and pour in mixture of orange juice and pineapple juice (or any other fruit juice of your choice) until almost at the top of the ring, add strawberries or lime and lemon slices for decoration. Freeze until solid and ready to use. Using the ice mold helps the punch from becoming watery and insipid during a long serving period.
  • 4
    Note: I find it easier to let the sherbet sit at room temperature for an hour prior to making the punch. This punch is so tasty and refreshing that everyone will be going back for more and more. Its tart and sweet at the same time. My mouth is already watering thinking about it. Plan on your guests having more than one cup.