tummy trouble, ingestion tonic

Recipe by
Kimi Gaines
orlando, FL

In 2005 I went to the hospital for what we thought was a heart attack. I had been having a lot of pain and my arm going numb. Come to find out I had an infection in my stomach. The doctor wanted me to go on all these meds. and my mom told me why don't you try this tonic. I did and I swear by if for stomach aches, indigestion, bladder troubles and it helps in a 1000 different ways. I doesn't taste good, but does the trick. Check out the website Type in Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar with mother. You can only use this type for the tonic.

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yield 1 serving(s)

Ingredients For tummy trouble, ingestion tonic

  • 1 Tbsp
    bragg's apple cider vinegar with mother (has to be that brand & it can be found at health food stores and some grocery stores in their health food section or by the vinegars.
  • 1/2 c
    cool water
  • 1 tsp
    honey, optional

How To Make tummy trouble, ingestion tonic

  • 1
    Mix ingredients and drink. I go fast and have a glass of water by me to get the taste out of my mouth. Let me tell you it is worth it!!!! Cheaper than going to the doc and better for you!!

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