summertime iced tea

Recipe by
Cindi Marie Bauer
Marshfield, WI

I happen to come across this iced tea recipe at which Nif originally posted the recipe, but I did tweak the recipe to suit my taste. When making the tea, I used fresh spearmint leaves from my garden, plus I added more. I also added more tea bags, and used a 12 ounce can of lemonade concentrate, to almost fill a gallon size jar, so I had more iced tea to enjoy.

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yield 108 ounces
method Stove Top

Ingredients For summertime iced tea

  • 8 cups
  • 14
    tea bags (orange pekoe and black)
  • 25
    fresh spearmint leaves
  • 1 cup
  • 1 (12 oz.)
    can frozen lemonade concentrate
  • 4 cups
    cold water
  • lemon slices, to garnish
  • sprigs
    of fresh spearmint, to garnish
  • 1 gallon
    size heat-proof glass jar

How To Make summertime iced tea

  • 1
    Place the spearmint leaves and tea bags in a heat-proof gallon size jar.
  • 2
    In a large saucepan, bring the 8 cups of water to almost a boil, just until you see a few bubbles starting to come to the surface.
  • 3
    Pour the heated water into the large heat-proof jar; cover the jar with a glass plate. I used an 8-1/2 inch glass dessert plate, and let stand for 15-20 minutes.
  • 4
    After the tea has steeped, discard the teabags and mint leaves. Add the sugar, and stir thoroughly.
  • 5
    Cover the jar with the plate, and let set at room temp to cool. (I let mine sit for 1 hr. & 30 mins.)
  • 6
    Now add the frozen lemonade and cold water; stir well.
  • 7
    Refrigerate to chill and serve later, or pour into beverage glasses filled with a few large ice cubes, and serve immediately.
  • 8
    Garnish beverage glasses with lemon slices, and sprigs of fresh spearmint leaves, if desired.
  • 9
    Note: I just wanted to let everyone know... The other day I made this iced tea, but found I only had 12 mint leaves, so I also used 2 Bigelow Plantation Black Spearmint Tea Bags (along with 12 black flavored tea bags). I felt the taste of the spearmint really came through, and the tea was quite refreshing and delicious!