iced mocha coffee

Blue Ribbon Recipe by
Virginia McGee
Sierra Vista, AZ

Do you like the Starbucks Frappuccinos? My husband is a coffeeholic. After 20 years in the military, I sincerely think he has more coffee in his veins than blood. They call coffee, lifer juice, amongst other things, ha, ha. Well, he started buying them all the time and it just wasn't in the budget. So in defense of our budget, I made up a recipe that tastes even better and more like coffee too.

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Blue Ribbon Recipe

This is honestly as good as the iced coffees at the fancy coffee shop but at a fraction of the cost! Keep this easy iced coffee on hand for a quick grab and go coffee. It makes a ton... great if you have a family of coffee drinkers. But, the recipe can easily be cut in half (we did for testing purposes) if you don't have a house of coffee lovers.

— The Test Kitchen @kitchencrew
yield 16 - 8 ounce servings
prep time 30 Min
cook time 30 Min
method Stove Top

Ingredients For iced mocha coffee

  • 2/3 c
    (rounded/heaping cup) instant coffee powder
  • 2/3 c
    (rounded/heaping cup) sugar or Splenda
  • 9 c
    boiling water
  • 7 c
    whole milk or whatever you like; whole milk makes a creamier drink
  • 2-4 oz
    chocolate syrup (I use the kind with calcium)

How To Make iced mocha coffee

  • 1
    Measure 9 cups of water plus one cup in case some boils off into a pot or kettle.
  • 2
    Pour 9 cups of boiling water into your gallon container. I've got a Tupperware one that I use. Do not pour into a glass container as it might crack.
  • 3
    Add instant coffee, sugar or sweetener, and chocolate syrup to the water.
  • 4
    Stir until blended.
  • 5
    Add 7 cups of milk to the mix and stir to blend. Chill.
  • 6
    The chocolate syrup usually falls out of the liquid as it chills so be sure to shake the container before serving.
  • 7
    Alternate flavors: Some of the milk can be replaced by flavored creamers for something different.