aunt fely's fruit tea

Blue Ribbon Recipe by
Amanda Brecht
Middle Amana, IA

This is my Aunt Felyscia's fabulous fruit tea recipe that has become one of my absolute favorites and a must-have whenever we go to visit in Tennessee. This is a true Southern tea, and it's truly delicious! I have always disliked tea and would never drink it, but this is my one exception...and I usually go through a pitcher all on my own!

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Blue Ribbon Recipe

Quick and easy, these simple ingredients combine into a refreshing delight of a drink!

— The Test Kitchen @kitchencrew
cook time 5 Min
method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For aunt fely's fruit tea

  • 1/2 c
    dry instant tea; I use unsweetened Lipton instant tea
  • 3/4 c
    dry instant lemonade; I use Country Time instant lemonade mix as that is what my aunt fely prefers to use
  • 2 c
  • 1 c
    white grape juice
  • 1 gal

How To Make aunt fely's fruit tea

  • 1
    Stir the DRY ingredients together in a pitcher. This means that you will take 1/2 cup of the Lipton Instant Tea (or whichever brand you prefer to use), 3/4 cup of the Country Time Instant Lemonade Mix (or whichever brand you prefer to use), and the 2 cups of sugar and dump them into the bottom of an empty pitcher. Once you have dumped them into the pitcher, stir them together so that they are well combined. Do this before you add any liquids.
  • 2
    After stirring together the dry ingredients, add 1 cup of white grape juice to the dry ingredients and stir together. You should now have the tea, lemonade, sugar, and white grape juice mixed together in a pitcher.
  • 3
    Add one gallon of water to the mixture and enjoy!