chai tea latte mix

Recipe by
Penny Hall
Tucson, AZ

Any time of the year is the perfect time for some simple comfort. Drink mixes are easy and lovely as gifts in a jar.

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yield 1 serving(s)
prep time 20 Min
cook time 10 Min

Ingredients For chai tea latte mix

  • 1 c
    powdered nondairy creamer, divided
  • 2 Tbsp
    packed brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp
    ground allspice
  • 1/2 tsp
    round cardamom
  • 3/4 c
    instant unsweetened tea
  • 1/2 tsp
    round cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp
    ground cloves
  • 3 Tbsp
    nonfat dry milk
  • 1/2 tsp
    round ginger
  • 1/4 c
    granulated sugar

How To Make chai tea latte mix

  • 1
    Combine 1/3 cup creamer,brown sugar, allspice, and cardamom: stir well. Pour into decorative jar with tight-fitting lid: pack down well. Add 1/4 cup tea: pack down well. Combine 1/3 cup creamer, cinnamon, and cloves: stir well. Add to jar: pack down well. Add 1/4 cuup tea: pack down well. Combine remaining 1/3 cup creamer, dry milk, and ginger: stir well. Add to jar: pack down well. Add remaining 1/4 cup tea and granulated sugar: pack down well. Seal jar. Cover top of jar with fabric. Attach gift tag to jar with raffia or ribbon.
  • 2
    To make 1 serving: 2 tablespoons Chai Tea Latte Mix, 1 cup hot milk, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon honey.
    1. Pour contents of jar into large bowl. Stir until well blended. Pour mixture back into jar.
    2. For single serving, spoon Chai Tea Late Mix into cup or mug. Add hot milk: stir to dissolve. Sweeten with honey to taste. Serve hot.

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