kool-aid strawberry lemonade

Recipe by
Cindi Marie Bauer
Marshfield, WI

Here's a great tasting strawberry lemonade, which I've made using 2 packets of unsweetened Kool-Aid Lemonade, and with freshly picked strawberries. Who'd a thought you could make a yummy strawberry lemonade with Kool-Aid. Well you can, and it's quite refreshing!

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yield 56 ounces of delicious strawberry flavored lemonade!
method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For kool-aid strawberry lemonade

  • 2
    (0.23 oz.) packets of unsweetened kool-aid lemonade
  • 1-1/2 cups
  • 4 cups
    fresh, sliced, strawberries
  • 3 cups
    of water, divided
  • ice cubes, or crushed ice

How To Make kool-aid strawberry lemonade

  • 1
    Mix together in a blender, the sugar, strawberries, and 2 cups of water.
  • 2
    Pour the strawberry mixture into a 2-quart pitcher, along with the remaining cup of water, and add the 2 packets of lemonade. Stir mixture with a spoon. (This lemonade has a consistency of being syrupy.)
  • 3
    Strain the lemonade twice, to remove excess seeds from the strawberries.
  • 4
    Rinse the pitcher, so there aren't any seeds from the strawberries in it, then pour the strained strawberry-lemonade back into the pitcher.
  • 5
    To serve, pour strawberry-lemonade in glasses filled with ice.