grandma's remedies - allergies

Recipe by
Maggie Silbernagel

Allergies driving you crazy? Try these two recipes from Grandma's home remedies.

yield 1 serving(s)
prep time 10 Min
method Stove Top

Ingredients For grandma's remedies - allergies

  • 1 jar
    petroleum jelly
  • 1 bag
    lemon tea or black tea with lemon
  • 1 jar
    local honey

How To Make grandma's remedies - allergies

  • 1
    The first remedy is really easy - rub petroleum jelly under your nose. No, it's not attractive, but it will keep allergens from entering your nose.
  • 2
    Boil water and make tea. Drink hot with lemon (if you didn't use lemon tea) and local honey. Local honey is best. Why? Well, the bees gather the pollen from the local flowers and grasses that you are allergic to so Michigan honey won't work on Alabama allergies. Don't give honey to infants under a year old. Their immune system isn't developed well enough to handle it.