emir's baileys hot chocolate drink...

Recipe by
Racquel Sweeney

A friend from work ,had asked me did I ever try baileys hot chocolate . well all I have to say is I loved it, and thank you Emir for telling me about this recipe . So for these horrible cold ,dark nights sit back relax make your self one of these hot chocolates.... And think to your self aaaaah ! this winter isn't going to be so bad after all ...... enjoy...

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yield 1 serving(s)
prep time 5 Min
cook time 5 Min
method Microwave

Ingredients For emir's baileys hot chocolate drink...

  • 2 tsp
    hot chocolate powder(i used a belgian chocolate powder)
  • 2 Tbsp
    hot water
  • 2 Tbsp
  • 1&1/4 c
    full fat milk (this is what my glass toke)
  • 1
    tall glass 1/3 filled (with milk)heat resistant glass.
  • 1/4 c
    2 oz fresh whipping cream + icing sugar 1 heap teaspoon
  • 1 Tbsp
  • 6-7
    mini marshmallows.
  • 1
    piece of plain chocolate grated for decoration on top .

How To Make emir's baileys hot chocolate drink...

  • 1
    Boil the kettle. In your tall glass ,place 2 teaspoons of hot chocolate powder . Add to that 2 tablespoons of hot water and stir well making sure there is no clumps in it ,you should have a nice smooth paste. Add to that 2 tablespoons of Baileys stir all together with the chocolate .
  • 2
    Next heat the milk up in a jug ,in the microwave for 2 minutes , pour into you glass 1/3 up ,giving it a good stir. in a hand held mixer whip up the fresh cream with 1 tablespoon of baileys and a heap teaspoon of icing sugar ,until just half whipped i.e. not too stiff and not too liquid. place a tablespoon in a cup of hot water just to heat the spoon .With the heated spoon, add a scoop of the baileys whipped cream on top of your baileys hot chocolate ,the cream should just slide of the spoon ,then on top of that the mini marshmallows and grate the chocolate bits on top .... There you have it, Emir's Baileys hot chocolate ,hope you all enjoy as much as I did ..