tropical wine slushy

Blue Ribbon Recipe by
Lora DiGs
Monroe Township, NJ

I love all fruit, so this slushy was made with ingredients I had on hand. It's delicious and refreshing.

Blue Ribbon Recipe

Cold and thick, this fruity and refreshing adult beverage is perfect for summer! The combination of fruit is perfect and blends well with the wine. Peach schnapps and triple sec dilute the wine flavor a bit. We taste-tested this drink with a Moscato wine and recommend using a sweeter wine similar to that. Also, we did not use the optional seltzer because we liked the consistency and flavor of the slushy without it. If you want to thin the drink out a bit, absolutely add a splash or two. We've tried boozy slushies before, but this one is our new favorite.

— The Test Kitchen @kitchencrew
yield 3 -4
prep time 5 Min
cook time 5 Min
method Refrigerate/Freeze

Ingredients For tropical wine slushy

  • 1 1/2 c
    pineapple, frozen
  • 1 1/2 c
    mango, frozen
  • 1 1/2 c
    peaches, frozen
  • 1 bottle
    white wine, 750 ml
  • 1/8 c
    triple sec
  • 1/8 c
    peach schnapps
  • a splash of seltzer (optional)

How To Make tropical wine slushy

  • 1
    Put all ingredients (except seltzer, if using) into a blender.
  • Blending all ingredients until smooth.
    Blend for a minute until smooth.
  • 3
    Pour into glass. Add a splash of seltzer (if using) and enjoy.