sangria leftovers

Recipe by
Georgane Vann
Clifton, TX

I found 4 half bottles of merlot and a half a bottle of cab/merlot blend. I made sure they had not turned to vinegar, and strained the sediment out of them.

method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For sangria leftovers

  • leftover wine
  • fruit juice about an equal amount as wine
  • sugar, honey
  • ginger ale
  • fruit for garnishing

How To Make sangria leftovers

  • 1
    left over bottles of wine, make sure you taste them so they aren't vinegar. Strain them into a big pitcher.(I used a coffee filter and wire strainer.) I wound up with almost 2 quarts of wine. add 1 1/2 c orange juice, 1 1/2 c pineapple juice, 1 and 1/2 cup of any kind of cranberry juice cocktail. 1/3 c lemon juice, 4 T honey and 1/4 c sugar. You could essentially add any fruit juice. Add as much or as little sugar. You could add cinnamon or vanilla.
  • 2
    Stir it really good so you dissolve the sugar and I washed out the wine bottles and just re-bottled it. Refrigerate. Serve with sliced fruit, and Ice. Fill glass 3/4 full and then top off with ginger ale.