blood of the earth dragon

(1 rating)
Recipe by
Stormy Stewart
Mio, MI

This is a great tonic for many things. Peppermint is used for inflammation, headache, indigestion, migraines, sinus relief. wormwood is sometimes used to treat patients suffering from stomach parasites. It is used medicinally as a tonic, stomachic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, febrifuge and anthelmintic. It has also been used to remedy indigestion and gastric pain. Thyme is an antiseptic lavender is a Anticonvulsive, Antidepressant, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Appeasing, Calming, Cephalic, Cytophylactic, Decongestant, Emmenagogue, Healing, Insect Repellent, Stimulant hyssop mainly used to cure respiratory problems marjioram Analgesic: It reduces pain associated with cold, fever, inflammation, exertion of muscles, toothache, headache and numerous other reasons. The best thing about this is that it does not have any adverse side effects unlike the analgesic available in market. Anti Spasmodic: Marjoram Essential Oil is helpful in curing nearly all types of spasms and resultant problems. It efficiently relieves spasm in respiratory system, intestines and muscular spasms in limbs. It also helps cure convulsions, muscle pulls, cramps and spasmodic cholera which are caused due to spasms. Anaphrodisiac: This is just the opposite of being an aphrodisiac. This helps suppress or control the sexual desires. This property is beneficial for those who are suffering from abnormal and extreme sexual urges. AntiSeptic: The anti septic properties of Marjoram Oil makes it a good application for external and internal wounds as well as an ingredient of the anti septic lotions and creams. This protects the wounds against being septic and developing tetanus. Anti Viral: It can be effective in curing infections from virus and ailments associated with them, such as common cold, influenza, mumps, measles and even pox. Bactericidal: Marjoram Oil kills bacteria. It can protect you from food poisoning, typhoid, malaria, colic, bacterial infections in colon, digestive system, urinary tract and other parts of the excretory system and on skin. Carminative: Marjoram Essential Oil can efficiently handle gas trouble. It gives the gases a safe downward passage by relaxing the muscles in the abdominal region as well as also stops further gas formation. This help you get rid of a number of related problems such as indigestion, nausea, vomiting, stomachache, chest pain, hypertension and flatulence. Cephalic: It is good for brain. It keeps it healthy and active and does not let it go dull with the age. This quality also relieves you of headaches. Cordial: It has a warming effect on the system. It improves circulation and warms up the body. This property helps get rid of cough and phlegm and gives relief in arthritis and rheumatism. Diaphoretic: Marjoram Oil promotes perspiration and keeps you healthy by helping removal of toxins, sodium salts and excess water from the body. This also helps bring down fever. Digestive: Marjoram seeds have been in use as a remedy to facilitate digestion. This digestive property of Marjoram seeds comes from its essential oils. Marjoram oil promotes digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices like gastric juices, acids and bile in the stomach. Its aroma also stimulates the salivary glands and thus aids in the primary digestion of the food in the mouth. Lastly, it stimulates the peristaltic movement of the intestines and helps the ingested food to advance through them, thereby facilitating digestion again. Diuretic: Marjoram Oil increases frequency of urination and quantity of urine, thus helping not only removal of excess water, sodium, uric acid, bile salts and other toxic elements from the body, but also lower blood pressure, clean kidneys and reduce fat. Just one thing to remember. If you are not suffering of swelling of accumulation of water in the body, then you should drink more water if you are taking Marjoram Oil, since very frequent urination can cause dehydration. Emenagogue: Ladies who have problems with irregular, obstructed or painful menstruations can benefit from the Emenagogue property of Marjoram Oil. Not only it helps clear menses and makes them regular, to quite an extent it gives relief from the other symptoms associated with periods, such as headache, pain in the abdominal area, dizziness etc. It also helps prevent untimely menopause. Expectorant: Marjoram Essential Oil proves effective in giving relief from deposition of cough and phlegm and congestion of nasal tract, larynx, pharynx, bronchi and lungs due to cold and viral infection. It is particularly effective on frequent coughs. Fungicidal: It inhibits growth of fungus and helps cure fungal infections. This property helps cure a number of skin diseases, most of which are caused due to fungal infections. It also helps cure dysentery, which is often caused due to fungal growth. Hypotensive: It helps lower blood pressure and cuts the risk of heart attacks and brain haemorrhage etc. Laxative: It helps clear bowels stimulating the large intestine and relaxing the excretory system. Sedative: It induces a calming, relaxing and sedating effect on the mind and the body. It relieves nervous stress and anxiety. It also gives a happy feeling in cases of anger or sadness. This property can be helpful to pacify people who suffered a shock or setback in life. Nervine: It strengthens the nervous system, tones it up, keeps you active and protects you from nervous disorders. Stomachic: Marjoram Oil is stomachic, that is, it keeps the stomach in order and functioning well. It cures stomach disorders and ulcers and ensures proper flow of bile and gastric juices and acids in stomach. Sometimes, the inner lining of stomach is corroded due to prolonged acidity and results in ulcer. This happens due to lack of bile (which neutralizes the acids). Marjoram Oil can help you avoid this situation too, as it maintains proper secretions in stomach. Vasodilator: This is an important medicinal property of Marjoram Oil and can be bless for those who run the risk of heart attack or brain haemorrhage due to hypertension. This widens and relaxes the blood vessels, eases flow of blood through it and reduces blood pressure. Vulnerary: Marjoram Essential Oil acts as a vulnerary by promoting quick healing of wounds, external or internal, and protecting them from infections. Other Benefits: Helps cure headache, sinusitis, cold, bronchitis, asthma, stress and insomnia, pain in muscles and joints and fatigue. sage is used as a gargle among other uses Stay blissfully warm as you become one with the Earth Dragon with this to die for Port beverage. This drink is a magical delight whether you are just kicking back or planning to summon a dragon. Perfect for using with "Dragon Magick"

(1 rating)
yield serving(s)

Ingredients For blood of the earth dragon

  • 2 tsp
  • 2 tsp
    dried wormwood
  • 2 tsp
  • 2 tsp
  • 2 tsp
  • 2 tsp
  • 2 tsp
  • 2 pt
    of port
  • 1
    red garnet stone

How To Make blood of the earth dragon

  • 1
    Pour just enough Port out of the bottle so you can add the herbs and the stone (Drink whatever you pour out in honour of the Earth Dragon because this is the last bit of this delicious Port you'll taste for one full week). Add the herbs and the Garnet stone, put the cork back in the bottle and steep for a week. Remove the stone and filter. Drink to the Earth Dragon Or use with "Dragon Magick"

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