Real Recipes From Real Home Cooks ®

Cocktail Recipes

Cocktails! Mix the perfect drink with these favorite recipes from Blue Ribbon hometown mixologists... both shaken and stirred.

Cocktail Meatballs

Janine Jackson avatar
By Janine Jackson
I had gone to a small wedding reception many years ago, and fell in love ...
(1 rating)

Peppermint Schnapps

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Ever feel like creating a drink instead of buying it. This recipe for peppermint schnapps ...
(2 ratings)

Seabreeze Shawn's Way

ShawnE E avatar
By ShawnE E
I just love the refreshing taste of this. Sweet and tangy, yep thats what I ...
(1 rating)

Brain Hemorrhage

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
THIS IS NOT A CHILDS DRINK! But is a great goulish addition to any adult ...
(1 rating)

Watermelon Jolly Rancher

Shauntel Campbell avatar
By Shauntel Campbell
If you want a the sweet taste of a watermelon jolly rancher and a great ...
(2 ratings)

Peach Mimosas

Linda Griffith avatar
By Linda Griffith
This is the perfect time of the year for a very refreshing drink and this ...
(1 rating)

Raspberry, Blackberry Or Blueberry Cordial

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
weither you make raspberry, blueberry, or blackberry cordial, the raves will be over-welming. Now that ...
(1 rating)

Banana Rum Milkshake

Jessica Hannan avatar
By Jessica Hannan
One of those grab things and dump them in the blender kind of things. So ...
(1 rating)

Uses For Beer

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
I hope this to be an evolving recipe and have others add their uses as ...
(2 ratings)


Kathy McCoy avatar
By Kathy McCoy
Nice summer beverage
(1 rating)
Apple Martini

Apple Martini

Debbie Henderson avatar
By Debbie Henderson
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(1 rating)

Homemade Baileys Irish Cream

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
This is a make when you want it drink as it only lasts about two ...
(1 rating)

Homemade Bitters For Drinks

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
If bitters are your thing here is a homemade recipe
(1 rating)

Homemade Blackberry Cordial

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
This one is for adults only. Such a great gift-in-a-jar. You can make raspberry, boysenberry or ...
(1 rating)

Homemade Blueberry Vodka

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
"Blueberry martinis are the hit of any party! Easy to make, but the key is ...
(1 rating)

Watermelon Jolly Rancher Adult Beverage

Deneece Gursky avatar
By Deneece Gursky
My daughter and I decided we were going to have an adult beverage today. We ...
(1 rating)

Berrylicious Liquor'd Up Lemonade

Noelle Napolitano avatar
By Noelle Napolitano
I happened to whip this up one hot day while cooking in the kitchen, I ...
(2 ratings)

Lemon Slush With Orange Zest Refresher (hcg Ok!)

Misty Hefner avatar
By Misty Hefner
I love Lemonade! I'm on the HCG diet and was missing it. This recipe does ...
(1 rating)

Refreshin' Sparklin' Fruity Cocktail

Sherri Williams avatar
By Sherri Williams
This is my anytime refreshing cocktail. Everyday is a celebration of life. SALUTE! ...
(1 rating)
Pina Colada Pop

Frozen Pina Colada Pop

Connie Kiyu Guerrero avatar
By Connie "Kiyu" Guerrero
Another "cool" treat for the Summer heat days! The texture is oh-so-creamy, the taste rich and ...
(3 ratings)
Mango/Strawberry Shaved Ice

Strawberry Mango Snow Cone

Connie Kiyu Guerrero avatar
By Connie "Kiyu" Guerrero
This is the Perfect Summer Treat nobody will refuse! The summer heat is intensifying way ...
(3 ratings)

Mouthwatering Mojitos

Sherry Rizza avatar
By Sherry Rizza
Just love a refreshing Mojitos on a hot summer night with friends
(1 rating)

Watermelon Delight

Shaunette Baker avatar
By Shaunette Baker
I love watermelon jollyranchers and this is my twist on the drink and candy!
(1 rating)
Bourbon Mint Iced Tea

Bourbon Mint Iced Tea

Ali P avatar
By Ali P
Besides being a refreshing beverage, this Bourbon Mint Iced Tea has the bonus of having ...
(2 ratings)