apple pie, deep fry

Blue Ribbon Recipe by
Marie Gunkel
Waterloo, NY

I worked in a taco shop once that made this apple treat. Simple and very good to eat. Anyone I make them for cannot wait for more.

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Blue Ribbon Recipe

We adored these little fried apple pies. Using tortillas and canned pie filling makes this a super easy and tasty dessert. The cinnamon sugar coating is the perfect touch. The flavor pairs so well with the crispy outside and the warm apple filling. We tested with a dollop of whipped cream and it was so good. Next time, though, we're going to add a scoop of ice cream. This is a great way to get all the flavors of an apple pie without a lot of work. We can't wait to try these with different fillings too.

— The Test Kitchen @kitchencrew
yield 8 -12
prep time 5 Min
cook time 5 Min
method Deep Fry

Ingredients For apple pie, deep fry

  • 1 can
    apple pie filling; 21 oz.
  • 1 pkg
    flour tortillas, large are best
  • 4-6 stick
    whatever you like to deep fry in - oil, lard, Crisco
  • 1 pkg
  • cinnamon sugar for rolling

How To Make apple pie, deep fry

  • Oil heating in a cast iron skillet.
    Heat your oil in a pan or deep fryer (if you have one) enough to cover; make sure you use a deep frying pan or a pot so it does not boil over.
  • 2
    While your oil is heating you can start on your apple rolls. I find warming the tortillas in the microwave is best. But not for too long they will get hard to roll.
  • Filling added to tortillas before deep frying.
    Place about a tablespoon of filling in or a little more.
  • Deep frying apple pie in oil.
    Fold sides in and roll. Use a toothpick to keep them closed. Deep fry until golden brown and filling should be warm. Drain on a paper towel.
  • Rolling deep fried apple pie in cinnamon sugar.
    I roll mine in sugar and cinnamon. When I make cherry, I roll in powdered sugar. Make sure you remember TO TAKE OUT THE TOOTH PIC BEFORE YOU SERVE. Yummy! Top with some whipped cream. Enjoy these deep fried apple pie treats!