"the century cook book"

Recipe by
Sheila M
Casa Grande, AZ

Copyright 1895, Published 1901
I have a copy of this that belonged to my late husband's grandmother or great-grandmother. Today I was going through it and became curious as to when it was published. My copy is in very bad condition, pages are literally crumbling around the edges and is missing the cover and up to page 3. I found out how old it really was and to my surprise is available for download through the University of California for free (they do ask for donations). This is the most amazing book that gives you a peak into the life of people in that era.

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method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For "the century cook book"

  • how to "lay" (set) a table
  • care of utinsils
  • how not to make waste of food
  • proper dinner invitations
  • and so much more

How To Make "the century cook book"

  • 1
    You can read it on-line or download it as a PDF
  • 2
    A VERY pleasant book called "$10.00 Enough" explains how a family of two lived well on that sum per week, including house rent and wages of one servant. Mrs. Rorer says $2.00 per head a week is a liberal allowance. Articles are published giving directions for living on ten cents a day; also of dinners for
    six people costing twenty-five cents.
  • 3
    At large dinners a gentleman finds in the dressing room, or a servant passes to him before he enters the drawing-room, a tray holding small addressed envelops. He selects the one bearing his own name, and finds on an enclosed card the name of the lady he is to take to the table. The letter R or L in the corner of the card denotes whether he will find his place on the right or left of the table from the entrance.
  • 4
    Faults often pass unnoticed if attention is not called to them. Dr. Johnson, it is said, always complained of his dinners, but never omitted to say grace. Upon one such occasion his wife interrupted him, saying, " Nay, hold, Mr. Johnson ! Do not make a farce of thanking God for a dinner which in a few minutes you will pronounce uneatable.'
  • 5
    Mr. Gibson, in an interesting article on "Mushrooms," published in " Harper's Magazine " for August, 1894, calls attention to the vast amount of wholesome and nutritious food that lies at the door of every country dweller. City people pay at least a dollar a pound for mushrooms, which are served at the finest dinners, and are considered as among the best articles for use in high-class cooking. Therefore, why should they be scorned or overlooked by those who can have them for the gathering?
  • 6
    This is "Just A Pinch" of what is in this 700+ page book. It is also loaded with historical recipes.