homemade creamy, fruity amish sherbet (easy)

Recipe by
Family Favorites
Not Far From Green Bay, WI

Another recipe that I brought home from my time spent in Amish country. A colorful addition to your Easter table or for summertime cookouts. So fruity and refreshing after a heavy meal. You can easily make any flavor you wish... orange, lemon, lime, strawberry. In this case, I used raspberry. Just match up your Jello flavor with the extract.

For large groups, layer your three favorite flavors. Allow each to nearly set before layering.

Prep time does not include time in freezer.

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yield 10 -12
prep time 10 Min
method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For homemade creamy, fruity amish sherbet (easy)

  • 1
    3 oz. package raspberry, orange, lemon, lime or strawberry jello
  • 1
    cup boiling water
  • 1 1/4
    cup sugar
  • 3
    cups half & half
  • pinch of salt
  • 2
    tb. lemon juice
  • 1
    tsp. extract matching your jello flavor, raspberry, orange, lemon, lime, strawberry
  • mix in by hand after using electric mixer: grated orange, lemon or lime peel, a handful of chopped raspberries or strawberries, etc. have fun creating your own combinations.

How To Make homemade creamy, fruity amish sherbet (easy)

  • 1
    Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Then, add sugar and stir for one minute. Add the rest of the ingredients mixing thoroughly.
  • 2
    Cover and place in freezer until frozen 1/2 inch thick. (In my freezer, this takes about 5 hours.) Then, beat thoroughly with an electric mixer and return to the freezer, covered, overnight until set.
  • My Photo
    I used raspberry Jello and raspberry extract. You can make any flavor you wish, orange, lemon, lime, strawberry... just match the extract to the Jello flavor.
  • My Photo
    So smooth and creamy. Scoops beautifully for cones or dishes.