pizza dessert

Blue Ribbon Recipe by
Victoria Russell
Blackwood, NJ

What makes this recipe great is the taste of the chocolate with the strawberry. It's indulging!

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Blue Ribbon Recipe

This dessert is so quick and easy, it would be great for kids to help create. The crunchy cookie base with the creamy cream cheese layer is a fabulous combination. But, we loved the strawberry topping. It tasted so good with the chocolate chip cookie. Very yummy!

— The Test Kitchen @kitchencrew
yield 8 serving(s)
prep time 15 Min
cook time 15 Min
method Bake

Ingredients For pizza dessert

  • 8 oz
    cream cheese
  • 1
    container of strawberry topping (found in ice cream section)
  • 1 pkg
    Betty Crocker chocolate chip cookie mix
  • 2/3 c
    granulated sugar
  • 1
  • 1 stick
  • 1 Tbsp

How To Make pizza dessert

  • 1
    Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Make the Betty Crocker chocolate chip cookie mix with the egg and butter as directed.
  • 2
    Place cookie dough on baking sheet (I covered baking sheet with tin foil). Roll it with rolling pin until smoothed out into a round-like shape (you may need to add some flour to keep it from sticking to rolling pin).
  • 3
    Bake in oven for 10 minutes. When done, take it out & let cool.
  • 4
    While cookie is cooling, get a medium size mixing bowl. Add cream cheese, milk & sugar. Blend well until you get a smooth & creamy mixture.
  • 5
    Spread sweet cream cheese evenly onto cookie.
  • 6
    Once you've done that, place strawberry topping over the "pizza" & there you have it!