bonnie’s baked pears with whipped cream

Recipe by
BonniE !
Cottonwood, CA

I am so in love with my Air Fryer! This is the perfect appliance to bake pears. It caramelizes the pears beautifully and is so much faster than the oven. I chose simple ingredients to make my baked pears. Just butter, honey, brown sugar, and a little lime juice. It’s nice to make things lively, but sometimes, too many flavors prevent the natural flavor of the fruit to shine through. Serve the pears warm or at room temperature. Accompany with a nice dollop of whipped cream, and you have a simple, but definitely company worthy dessert.

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yield 2 serving(s)
prep time 10 Min
cook time 35 Min
method Air Fryer

Ingredients For bonnie’s baked pears with whipped cream

  • 2 medium size pears, peeled and cored
  • 2 tablespoons real butter
  • 4 teaspoons brown sugar
  • honey to drizzle over pears
  • about 3 teaspoons of fresh lime juice
  • pinches of salt for each pear

How To Make bonnie’s baked pears with whipped cream

  • 1
    This is an Air Fryer recipe and the perfect choice for baking the pears. They caramelize perfectly. You will be baking the pears in a ceramic or metal dish large enough to fit inside the basket of your air fryer with a little space around it so the air can flow freely. A word of caution, the baking pan is hot! Once the pears are baked, leave the baking pan inside the basket, don't remove it until it has cooled.
  • 2
    Choose medium size firm pears. Wash the pears. Peel and cut them lengthwise and core the centers. I prefer the pears unpeeled. Melt the butter and place in the metal baking pan.
  • Put 2 tablespoons melted butter in the baking pan that fits inside the air dryer basket.  Dip both sides of the pears in the melted butter.
    Dip the pear halves in the melted butter. Turn to coat each side with butter. Cut side up. Sprinkle with lime juice and drizzle generously with honey.
  • 4
    Add a pinch of salt to each pear half. Add 1 teaspoon brown sugar to each half.
  • 5
    Bake the pears cut side up at 400 degrees for 30 minutes, turning a time or two, then turn them over and bake 15 minutes at 330 degrees cut side down. They should be tender and brown around the edges. Turn them over to serve, adding a little more brown sugar. Let the pear halves rest in the air fryer for at least five minutes. Spoon the juices over the pears.
  • Pears and whipped cream.
    Using a long handle spoon, lift the pear halves into individual serving dishes and add a dollop of whipped cream to the top of each pear. Definitely do eat the pears warm. The aroma of the baking pears while baking is outstanding. Enjoy!