delicious fresh peach fritters

Blue Ribbon Recipe by
Bunny's Warm Oven Blog
Sunbury, PA

Fluffy, soft, moist, and loaded with fresh peaches...Peach Fritters! I grew up in Pennsylvania and am very familiar with apple fritters. The restaurant that I helped manage made apple fritters as a side dish, we made apple fritter sundaes with them as well. The thought of making peach fritters never crossed my mind until I was talking to my little brother Kevin about what my next post would be. When Kev told me he saw peach fritters at the market, the light came on!

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Blue Ribbon Recipe

We had some fresh peaches in the Test Kitchen, and we decided to give this recipe a try. Well, let me tell ya ... this was a big hit! These will become a favorite in your house too. We also drizzled with glaze which was really good. Next time, we can't wait to roll them in some sugar.

— The Test Kitchen @kitchencrew
prep time 20 Min
cook time 5 Min
method Deep Fry

Ingredients For delicious fresh peach fritters

  • 1 c
  • 1 tsp
  • 1 tsp
    baking powder
  • 2 Tbsp
    sugar (my addition)
  • 1/2 tsp
  • 2
  • 1/3 c
  • 1 Tbsp
    melted butter or vegetable oil ( I used butter)
  • 1 1/4 c
    diced peaches (I used 2 fresh peaches which came to a little over 1 1/4 cups of peaches)
  • granulated sugar in flat-sided bowl or a powdered sugar glaze
  • oil for fryer or deep frying pan
  • 1 c
    1 cup of confectioners sugar
  • milk, enough to make a drizzling consistency.

How To Make delicious fresh peach fritters

  • 1
    These Peach Fritters come together quickly and fry up in about 3 minutes to a beautiful puffy golden brown. The batter doesn't have any sugar in it so rolling it in granulated sugar or topping them with a glaze as I did, is what makes it sweet. If you would prefer the batter to be a little sweet as I did, add 2 Tbsp of sugar to the batter. I added about 1/2 of a teaspoon of cinnamon to the batter just because cinnamon goes so well with peaches. I made the glaze by measuring out 1 cup of confectioners sugar and adding just enough milk to be able to drizzle over the fritters. You could use lemon or orange juice instead of milk to flavor the glaze with as well. If you really wanted to get fancy you could top them with crushed pecans after they're glazed! Wouldn't that be nice!
  • 2
    I measured the batter out with 1/4 cup measuring cup and they were the perfect size for us. Using that measuring cup, I got 10 fritters from the batter. The inside of the fritter is loaded with peaches! Apples (Sauteed first) or pineapple would also do well in this batter. The texture of the fritter is very soft, fluffy and moist.
  • 3
    With a wire whisk, combine flour, salt, sugar, cinnamon and baking powder. Whisk in eggs, milk and butter. Fold in peaches.
  • 4
    Heat oil in fryer or pan to 375 degrees F.
  • 5
    With long handled ladle, ladle about 1/4 -1/2 cup batter into hot oil. The batter will sink at first and then rise. Cook for about 2 - 3 minutes, depending on size of fritters.
  • 6
    Remove fritters from oil with long-handled tongs. Quickly drain on paper towels or newspaper.
  • 7
    Then place fritter in bowl of sugar. Coat with sugar on both sides, or glaze tops of fritters.
  • 8
    For more homemade recipes, please visit Bunny's Warm Oven