berries bordeaux

Recipe by
Fredia Dillard
Alabaster, AL

This is a recipe from my sweet sister-in-law. It is great as an evening dessert or as a breakfast side dish - if you don't mind a little wine to get your morning started!

yield 6 -8 adults - NOT for children under 21
prep time 3 Hr 30 Min
method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For berries bordeaux

  • 1 c
    small strawberries cut in half (large ones in fourths)
  • 1 c
  • 1 c
  • 1 c
    fresh green seedless grapes (cut in half)
  • 1 c
  • 2 c
    bordeaux or merlot (suggest turning leaf merlot)

How To Make berries bordeaux

  • 1
    Place the fruit in a large bowl.
  • 2
    Sprinkle the sugar over the fruit.
  • 3
    Pour the wine over the fruit and sugar. Do NOT stir!
  • 4
    Cover and let it sit for 3 hours at room temperature.
  • 5
    Stir before serving at room temperature. This may be served over vanilla ice cream. (Delicious!)