smores with reese's cups

Recipe by
Jeanne Zidlicky
Green Cove Springs, FL

This is so easy and quick! The grand kids enjoy this when they come over! This was posted on facebook by Marsha Mccall and I just needed to put this in my saved recipes!

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yield 16 serving(s)
method Broil

Ingredients For smores with reese's cups

  • 1 bag
    reese's peanut butter cups (10oz)
  • 16
  • 16
    graham crackers

How To Make smores with reese's cups

  • 1
    Split or break the graham crackers into twos and set aside.
  • 2
    Next, you need to heat the marshmallows. There are several ways to do this.
    If using the broiler: you need to place the marshmallows on top of 1/2 graham cracker and put under the broiler for a few seconds or until golden brown and toasted.
  • 3
    Remove the Graham and place a Reese's cup on top then place the other 1/2 graham crack back on top and press it lightly to flatten the marshmallows.