the best thumbprint cookies

Recipe by
penny jordan
Lubbock, TX

These are the 'just right sweet treat of mine ...A FAVORITE!)

yield 2 dozen (approx.)
prep time 20 Min
cook time 15 Min

Ingredients For the best thumbprint cookies


How To Make the best thumbprint cookies

  • 1
    'JUNIOR MINT' THUMB PRINT COOKIES WITH MIXER CREAM: 1 stick butter or margarine;(SOFT & ROOM TEMPERATURE). 1/3 C. powdered sugar; Slowly add: 1&1/4 cups flour. (MIX IN 1/8 CUP sifted Cocoa; if you desire to make them chocolate). Add: 1 Tbsp. vanilla & 1 Tbsp. water. Mix all contents well. Mixture will be thick and stiff. 1.)MIX IN ORDER GIVEN...(BE SURE TO MIX WELL AFTER EACH INGREDIENT!). 2.)Roll in small balls. 3.)Bake at 300 degrees F oven for 4 min. $.)Remove and press an INDENTION in cookie(Using the back of the 1/8 tsp. measuring spoon). Bake another 8-10 min. * DO NOT BROWN! IMMEDIATELY ADD 'JUNIOR MINT' CANDY TO CENTER WHERE YOU HAVE PLACED INDENTION. OR *When the cookies are cool fill centers with icing...
  • 2
    ICING: 2 - C. powdered sugar 1 - Tbsp. butter 1 - tsp. vanilla 3 - Tbsp. Milk-(enough to make it a medium stiff icing.) ADD: A few drops of food color of your choice. or Chocolate Fudge Icing Recipe Melt: 1-1/2 Tbsp. Butter & 1 Tbsp. Cocoa powder in small saucepan over med. to low heat. Stir and add: 1-3 Tbsp. Milk. (Add slowly to thicken. 1 to 2 C. Powdered Sugar,(sifted). Stir til smooth. Add: 1 tsp. - vanilla extract. Stir: Until smooth and creamy. Add: More milk (1/2 to 1 Tbsp. at a time); if icing is too thick...Stir until smooth & creamy. Add: 1/2 to 1 tsp. to indention (Thumb Print) of cookie.