rice krispie easter baskets

Recipe by
Karla Everett
Greenacres, WA

These are very cute little easter baskets made out of Rice Kripie Cereal. My 12 year old grandson had fun making these with me for our easter.

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yield 16 serving(s)
prep time 10 Min
cook time 5 Min

Ingredients For rice krispie easter baskets

  • 3 Tbsp
  • 40 lg
  • 6 c
    rice krispie cereal
  • pipe cleaners or fuzzy sticks
  • 1 sm
    bag of shredded coconut
  • 1/2 bottle
    green food coloring
  • assorted jelly bean candy

How To Make rice krispie easter baskets

  • 1
    Butter 16 muffin tins and set aside.
  • 2
    Melt butter and marshmallows in a large kettle on medium heat until marshmallows are all melted and smooth.
  • 3
    Remove mixture from heat and Pour cereal into melted marshmallows and mix until cereal is well coated with the marshmallow.
  • 4
    Place about 3 big heaping spoons ( or so )in each muffin tin (with tips of fingers dipped in cold water) press mixture up the sides if the tins , making a well in the center to form a basket shape.
  • 5
    Stick pipe cleaners or fuzzy sticks ( located in the craft dept. ; cut in half )stick into rice krispie shell to form a handle; they will stay in once cereal mixture cools and sets , you can also use long licorice sticks for the handles and the whole basket will be edible.
  • 6
    Place coconut in a zip bag and add 1/2 bottle of green food coloring and mix up until all the coconut is green.
  • 7
    Fill a big pinch of green coconut in the well of each for the grass and top with several jelly beans in each basket.
  • 8
    Let them cool in the tins until they have set ; run a knife around sides to loosen baskets and remove to a rack to continue to dry.