bit o' honey (copycat recipe)

Recipe by
Jeanne Benavidez
Odessa, TX

Bit O' Honey has always been one of my favorite candies. It's hard to find anymore so when I found this recipe, I was so excited. It is really good.

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yield 8 - 10
prep time 45 Min
method Microwave

Ingredients For bit o' honey (copycat recipe)

  • 1/2 c
  • 1/2 c
    extra-chunky peanut butter
  • 2 c
    dry powdered milk
  • 1 oz
    almond paste

How To Make bit o' honey (copycat recipe)

  • 1
    Melt the honey, peanut butter and almond paste together in the microwave. Stir with a wooden spoon every 30 seconds until reaching the soft-crack stage of 270ºF. Best if you use a candy thermometer.
  • 2
    Let the mixture cool to 180ºF. Add 1 cup of dry powdered milk and mix well with a wooden spoon. Add the other cup of dry powdered milk and knead until well combined. Roll out on wax paper until candy mixture is approximately 1/2 inch thick.
  • 3
    Cut into strips (@ 3/4 inch wide and 2 inches long). Let sit to slightly harden and then wrap each piece in wax paper to store.