amy's chocolate covered, homemade marshmallow dipped strawberries!

Recipe by
Amy Croyle
Bellingham, WA

After descovering my love of home made marshmallows I came up with this! My families love of chocolate covered strawberris and home made marshwallows makes this a go to recipe for every baby shower, wedding shower, and tea party! Hope you enjoy!

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Ingredients For amy's chocolate covered, homemade marshmallow dipped strawberries!

  • 25
    or so strawberries
  • 3 pkg
    gelatin, unflavored
  • 1 c
    cold water, divided
  • 2 c
  • 1 c
    light corn syrup
  • 1/8 tsp
  • 1 Tbsp
    vanilla extract
  • 1 pkg
    chocolate almond bark -or- semi sweet chocolate chips

How To Make amy's chocolate covered, homemade marshmallow dipped strawberries!

  • 1
    Wash strawberries and let dry completely. If they are not all the way dry the marshmallow will not stick.
  • 2
    spred out and lightly greas enough wax paper to place strawberries on after they are dipped.
  • 3
    In a larg mixing bowl (I use my kitchen aid mixer bowl) sprinkle gelatin over 1/2 cup water; set aside.
  • 4
    In a large heavy saucepan, combine sugar, corn syrup, salt, and remaining water. Bring to a boil, stiring occasionally. Cook without strring, until a candy thermometer reads 240* (soft-ball sstage)
  • 5
    Remove from heat and gradully add to gelatin in small stream while beating. Beat on high speed until mixture is thick and the volume has doubled, about 15minuts, it should look like marshmallow cream, beat in vanilla extract. Start next step immediately
  • 6
    Either buy holding on to the stem or by inserting a wood or bamboo skewers into the stem end carefully dip in marshmallow then set on wax paper. work quicky marshmallow will start to set kinda fast.
  • 7
    When you are done dipping the strawberries in the mashmallow let them set for about 45min to and hour to let set up a little. There will probably be marshmallow remaining I drop it by spoon full onto the greased wax paper, then toss in powdered sugar (some times I add cocoa power to it) when set up, and store in an air tight container. I like to play around with the extra! You can try all sorts of fun stuff!
  • 8
    After strawberries with marshmallows have set up a little melt chocolate almond bark or just chocolate in microwave or double boiler. If you are in a hurry I would use almond bark, it sets up way faster then real chocolate. Dip strawberries in chocolate far enough so you can just see the marshmallow peaking out. return to wax paper and allow chocolate to harden.
  • 9
    Peal strawberries from wax paper and serve! I like to sprinkl with a little powdered sugar.