the guests are at the door cake (russian jam cake)

Recipe by
Ellen Gwaltney Bales
Indianapolis, IN

This luscious cake gets its name because it is so quick and easy to prepare, you can literally whip it up while the guests are taking off their coats and admiring the view. Recipe: The Russian Heritage Cookbook Photo:

yield 8 serving(s)
prep time 10 Min
cook time 45 Min

Ingredients For the guests are at the door cake (russian jam cake)

  • 1 1/2 stick
    plus 1 tbsp. butter, softened
  • 3/4 c
  • 2
  • 1 1/2 c
    all purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp
    baking soda mixed with 3 drops cider vinegar
  • 1 c
    fruit preserves (raspberry, strawberry, plum, apricot, etc.)

How To Make the guests are at the door cake (russian jam cake)

  • 1
    In a large bowl, with an electric mixer beat butter until light and add sugar, beat in eggs one at a time.
  • 2
    In a separate bowl, combine flour and soda and gradually add to butter mixture. Toward the end of the mixing process the dough will become quite thick; use your hands instead of the mixer to blend in the last 1/2 cup of flour.
  • 3
    Pat dough into a 1-1/2-inch thick layer into a 10-inch square buttered and floured pan, reserving about 1/3 cup of dough.
  • 4
    Using a spatula, cover top with a generous layer of jam. Pat remaining dough into small pieces about a half inch wide and 1/4 inch thick and arrange on top of jam. (This is not a lattice pattern; you will not have enough dough for that, and the arrangement need not be symmetrical. The dough will spread during the baking process and form a thin, uneven and crusty layer with jam showing through.)
  • 5
    Bake in a preheated 350-degree oven for about 40-45 minutes, until patches of dough on top of cake are a deep golden brown. Cool before slicing.