sugar free cakemix...homemade

Recipe by
Lyn Starr
Bakersfield, CA

NO more ingredients I can't pronounce!! So ziplocking baggies and few dry ingredients now replaces the boxes!! YAY

Make several so they are always on hand.

I make mine SugarFree

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yield 1 bag = 1 box
prep time 5 Min

Ingredients For sugar free cakemix...homemade

  • 3 c
    all purpose flour
  • 1 c
  • 4 tsp
    baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp

How To Make sugar free cakemix...homemade

  • 1
    MIX all ingredients; store in freezer bags in pantry. Label: "yellow cake mix" (and add direction info below)...
  • 2
    DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING CAKE: Oven 325. Spray pans with "Joy baking spray" for cupcakes use liners.

    13x9" approx 40 min or until done
    two 8" approx 40 minutes
    two 9" approx 35-40 minutes
    bundt approx 55 minutes
    cupcakes approx 19-23 minutes 2/3 full
  • 3
    Blend cake mix 1 1/2 c. milk, 2 tsp vanilla, 1/4 c. melted butter, and 2 eggs; beat for 3 minutes on high speed. Pour into pans and bake.