reese's peanut butter cup cake pops

Blue Ribbon Recipe by
Miranda Roderick
Washougal, WA

If you are a peanut butter lover, you will adore these delicious little treats. Every time I make these folks are asking for more! These are time-consuming to make, but you make almost 2 dozen at a time and people love to get these as gifts. The more you practice making them, the faster you will become at them. Good Luck!

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Blue Ribbon Recipe

If you love Reese's cups, you'll love these cake pops! We used a yellow cake, but if you adore chocolate a devil's food cake would be wonderful. Adding peanut butter to the yellow cake really did remind us of a Reese's peanut butter cup center. Coating the cake balls in chocolate candy coating really turns the candy bar into a cake pop. We loved the sprinkle of crushed Butterfingers bars at the end. They do take some time to make, but well worth it in the end. You can make them for a party, bridal or baby shower, or even a treat for your valentine.

— The Test Kitchen @kitchencrew
yield 20 -24 (depends on how large you make the cake pops)
cook time 2 Hr
method Bake

Ingredients For reese's peanut butter cup cake pops

  • 1 box
    cake mix, devils food or yellow cake mix
  • 1 can
    cream cheese frosting
  • 3/4 c
    Reese's peanut butter, creamy
  • 3
    regular sized Reese's peanut butter cups (melted)
  • 2 pkg
    dark chocolate melts, you can also use peanut butter melts
  • 24
    cake pop sticks (Michael's sells these in the aisle with the cupcake liners)
  • 24
    lollipop bags
  • 24
    6" pieces of decorative ribbon to tie bottom of bags
  • 4
    ground up Butterfingers bars or various decorative sprinkles
  • 1
    large styrofoam block or a large box flipped over on its top with 24 holes punched into it (use a screwdriver to do this)

How To Make reese's peanut butter cup cake pops

Test Kitchen Tips
We used chocolate almond bark for coating and thinned it slightly with a little cooking oil. Pro-tip, pour the melted chocolate into a cup for easy dipping.
  • Adding peanut butter to cake batter.
    You can either make your own vanilla or devil's food cake from scratch or if time is short you can make a store-bought mix. Follow the box directions and add 1/2 - 3/4 of a cup of creamy peanut butter. You can add more or less depending on how strong you like it.
  • Cake batter poured into a baking dish to bake.
    Pour into a 9x13 baking dish and bake as directed. Allow to cool completely.
  • Baked cake crumbled in a bowl.
    Once cooled, crumble the cake with a fork into small pieces.
  • Mixing cream cheese frosting and melted peanut butter cups in a bowl.
    Melt 3 regular-size or 6 small Reese's peanut butter cups in the microwave in 30-second increments. Do not substitute any other type of peanut butter cup. The flavor will not be the same! Add the slightly cooled peanut butter cups to 3/4 of a cup of the cream cheese frosting and mix well.
  • Combining cake crumbs and cream cheese frosting.
    Gently incorporate frosting into the cake crumbs.
  • Cake crumbs formed into balls to freeze.
    Make half-dollar size balls and place them on a wax paper-covered cookie sheet. (Should make 20-24.) Place them in the freezer for a little while to firm up (at least a few hours). Ideally, you will want to plan ahead and leave them in the freezer overnight. They are so much easier to deal with then.
  • Melting the chocolate.
    Before you take the cake pops out of the freezer, melt them in 30-second intervals.

    I like to use dark chocolate, but you can also use peanut butter-flavored melts. Merckens makes the best, but Wilton's will work too.
  • Tip of a lollipop stick dipped in chocolate.
    Once you are ready to begin, remove the cake pops from freezer. Dip the tip of your lollipop stick in a little of the melted candy coating.
  • Chocolate lollipop stick stuck into cake ball.
    Insert the chocolate-coated stick into the cake balls (insert about halfway) and allow the chocolate to set.
  • Completely coating the cake balls in chocolate.
    Carefully coat each cake pop making sure the entire cake ball is covered. You may need to coat twice.
  • Crushed Butterfinger candies sprinkled on the cake pops.
    When the chocolate is almost set, sprinkle the top half of the cake pop with ground-up Butterfinger candy bars, finely chopped peanut butter cups, or orange and brown decorative sprinkles. Insert them into a styrofoam block to allow them to dry.
  • Cake pops wrapped in clear bags.
    Once completely set, you can use the smaller lollipop bags and decorative ribbon to cover them. I like to coordinate the ribbon with the type of cake pop. I used brown and orange striped ribbon for my peanut butter cake pops. Enjoy!