mama's mince cake

Recipe by
Beth Adams
Anytown, OR

Mom didn't cook much, I remember going to Jack in the Box for Christmas Eve dinner. She did have a recipe for this mince cake for the holidays. My sisters and I love it, and I took it to work once and caught a doctor licking the glaze off the plate. It's a nice way to eat mincemeat.

yield serving(s)
cook time 1 Hr

Ingredients For mama's mince cake

  • 1 box
    packaged spice cake mix
  • 5
    large eggs
  • 1 jar
    large, not sure what size, cross and blackwell mincemeat with rum and brandy
  • 1 box
    powdered sugar
  • 1 Tbsp
    white christmas ( half rum half brandy mix for holidays also good in egg nog )
  • oil as called for on cake mix box
  • half the amount of water called for on the cake mix box

How To Make mama's mince cake

  • 1
    Preheat to 350, grease and flour or spray with baking spray a bundt cake pan.
  • 2
    Pour cake mix in bowl. Add half the water the recipe calls for. Add eggs and mincemeat. Add oil as called for in the recipe.
  • 3
    BAke for 45 minutes to an hour or until cake pick comes out clean and cake edges separte from sides.
  • 4
    Mix powderd sugar with 1 tablespoon White Christmas, sorry I don't really know the correct amounts, but add liquor or sugar until it's a glaze suitable for a bundt cake, and a doctor to lick it off the plate.

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