granny,s magic fruit cake -quick and eazy-

Recipe by
Mary R Morris
Western Grove, AR

This is a old Bordens Recipe..My Granny use to make this all year ,I do not like regular Fruit cake ,as a rule ,but I love this one .It is simple and quick.In fact I will be making some for Campmeeting this year.I thought I had lost this recipe in our move to Arkansas ,years ago but found it in a old box of recipes..The pamplet has 1954 on it....

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yield 8 -10
prep time 15 Min
cook time 1 Hr 30 Min
method Bake

Ingredients For granny,s magic fruit cake -quick and eazy-

  • 1 pkg
    bordens none such mince meat
  • 1 c
    walnuts or pecans -coarsely chopped
  • 1 c
    (8oz) mixed candied fruit -coarsely chopped
  • 1 can
    eagle brand sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 lg
  • 1/2 c
  • 3/4 c
  • 1/2 tsp
    baking soda

How To Make granny,s magic fruit cake -quick and eazy-

  • 1
    Break Mince Meat into small pieces and put in 2-quart saucepan .ADD WATER.Place over medium heat and stir untill lumps are thoroughly broken .
    Boil briskly 1 minute ,stiring constantly .
    Remove from heat and cool
  • 2
    Add Nuts ,Candied Fruit,Condensed Milk,and Egg,blend well .Stirl in Flour and Baking Soda untill just blended.
  • 3
    Pour mixture into a 9"x4"x3"loaf pan ,which has been greased ,waxed paper lined and greased again.
    Bake at 350 degrees .1 hour and 30 minutes or untill center spring back when lightly touched with finger and top is golden brown .I use the tooth pick test ....If a glass type baking dish is used ,reduce oven heat to 325
  • 4
    This is wonderfull all year ,I use to toast it and spead cream cheese or jam on it .....
  • 5
    This Recipe was sent to me by Cinstraw,it was the one use by her Grandmother,and is a lot more up dateed and EASIER then the original...With her permission ,I have listed it for you with the original.....
  • 6
    Magic FruitCake :Cinstraw Granmother-Source Borden Co.1954

    I made this cake before puting it on ,and it was just as good and a lot quicker and easier....Thank You ,Cinstraw for sending it to me....
  • 7
    2 1/2 cups of unsifted flour
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    2 eggs, slightly beaten
    1(28)jar ready-to use mincemeat
    1-14oz can Sweetened Condensed Milk
    2 cups (1lb)mixed candied fruit*
    1 cup coarsely chopped nuts
  • 8
    Grease and Flour a 10 in tube pan: Combine flour and baking soda ,set aside: In a large bowl,combine remaining ingredients ,blend in dry ingredients..Pour Batter into pan.
  • 9
    Bake at 300 degrees for 1 hour and 45 minutes or untill toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.Cool 15 minutes turn out of pan and cool completely....
  • 10
    To store ,wrap well in aluminum foil or freeze....
    *You may add more raisins ,dates ,more nuts ,etc.....