bunny cake

Recipe by
Nikki Schotten
Plymouth, IL

This is a fun cake to make for people like me that cannot decorate a cake very well, I have been making this cake since i was a kid.

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yield 10 to 12
prep time 10 Min
cook time 30 Min

Ingredients For bunny cake

  • 1 box
    white cake mix
  • 1 can
    white cake frosting
  • 1
    bag of coconut flakes
  • food coloring
  • jelly beans
  • shoe lace licorice

How To Make bunny cake

  • 1
    Prepare cake mix according to its directions
  • 2
    Pour into two 8-inch round pans that have been sprayed with non stick cooking spray.
  • 3
    Bake for about 30 mins or until when toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
  • 4
    Cool completely and remove cake from pans.
  • 5
    Take the empty cake pan and turn it over on one of the cakes not quite half way and push down, that gives you one ear, then do the other side of the same cake to get the second ear and then whats left will be the bow tie.
  • 6
    place the ears above the other round cake and place the bowtie below it.
  • 7
    Frost the cake with the white icing, it does not have to be perfect cause the coconut will cover the flaws.
  • 8
    when done frosting, cover the whole cake with white coconut, make sure you keep back enough coconut to color with food coloring.
  • 9
    Take 3 small bowls and put about a handful of coconut in each bowl then color one bowl of coconut with pink food coloring, then the other two bowls color whatever colrs you like, i used blue and green for my other two bowls of coconut.
  • 10
    Sprinkle the pink coconut on the ears of the cake, then take your other two colors and decorate the bowtie
  • 11
    Take two black jelly beans to make the eyes and a pink jelly bean for the nose and make whiskers with the shoe string licorice

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